Friday, May 15, 2009

Run, Tonya, Run!

I never, ever, never, not in my 30 years on this earth, ever thought I would say this, but....

I've been running! Umm...well, jogging, maybe is a better word.

If you know me at all, you should know what a statement I've just made. Whenever asked (although, never asked because, let's face it, I don't even look like a runner) if I ran, my response was always, "Only if I'm being chased!" and since I don't think I've ever been chased, one can easily deduce that I don't run...until now.

It started in the pre-school room at church...isn't that where all great things get their beginnings? A friend was trying to put together a team for the Race for the Cure in Detroit, and asked if I was interested. My friend, and our Pastor's wife, Anne, asked if I'd be interested in starting to run and train for it. Well, I just smiled and nodded and gave it no more thought. But Anne, doesn't know me well enough to know how clueless I am, and she was persistant in getting me running! She even went out with the boys and I for a day of shopping, showing me the gear that would make me a great runner, and gave me a training program to help me get started...and believe it or not, I did get started.

I'm on my 8th week of running, which consists of running for 4 minutes, walking for a minute for 30 minutes. Here's the amazing parts 1) I CAN do it! and 2) I LOVE it! I haven't missed a day yet, I've even run in the rain a few times, gotten up early, and run on treadmills in hotel rooms to keep up with the schedule. I'm not really very fast yet, my pace is about a 10min/mile-walking and running, and I'm not trying to be faster yet, but just be able to run the whole time I need to. We're actually not going to be doing the race for the cure, but I probably will do a race or two this summer, just to say I've been in a race!

So, I'm wondering, if I never would have believed before that I would be running FOR FUN, and loving it...what else have I been limiting myself on??

What about you? Is there something you do that you never thought you would do, or something that you don't think you will ever do, but would like to try sometime??


Lori Lynn said...

I don't have anything to add as of right now, but I wanted to say that I think it's neat you're running. I don't run either - in fact, it was the part of being an athlete that I hated the most. Keep it up!! Maybe you'll do a marathon someday!!!

Melanie said...

Tonya, I just called you to chat about this running phenomena. We bought a treadmill in January and I am loving it!