The following is a public service announcement (PSA) on behalf of Pregnant Women of America (PWA) intended for all Non-Pregnant People of America (NPPA)!
Attention all NPPA, please do not look at any of the PWA around you and tell us that we look "fat", "large", "huge", "ginormous" are "rapidly expanding", "must be having twins", "bigger than I was last week", "popping out", "carrying mostly in my hips...or butt..or boobs..or any other part of my body"! Please refrain from touching, commenting on, flicking (yes, some of you NPPA are FLICKERS!) or staring at our protruding belly buttons. We, the PPA, realize that some NPPA have never been pregnant and therefore do not understand the alien-like transformation that our bodies are undergoing. You get SOME leeway for your less than kind statements. However, some of you NPPA, are former PPA, and have forgotten (sometimes so very quickly) the rage of hormones, the feeling of looking at yourself in the mirror and not recognizing the strange person staring back at you! You former PPA, get very less, a very marginal amount of leeway for your stares, flicks and comments!
Please understand that during our reign as PPA, we are experiencing an uncommon, extremely LARGE surge of hormones! (And no, the hormones are not acceptable topics of conversation either) Therefore, if you feel the need to comment, stare, flick belly buttons, or rub our tummies "for good luck" you are putting yourself at risk for some sort of hormonal retaliation. This could include, but is not limited to the following; the PPA under attack may burst into tears before your very eyes, leaving you to look like an evil NPPA making said PPA cry; you may be screamed at, kicked, mocked for your size, have your hair pulled, your eyes gouged out, or most likely you will be left to clean up the mess of a sobbing PPA, the result of your unkind words or gestures.
Thank you in advance for adhering to the suggestions in the proceeding PSA!
As the author of this Public Service Announcement, 2 confessions must be made. During the author's time as a NPPA, said author made TWO major blunders to PPA's...As a high school junior, my youth pastor's wife was VERY pregnant with her 2nd child, as she walked into the gymnasium filled with high school students, I made a very loud, very obnoxious quacking sound, referencing her very pregnant not cool!
During another time in my life, before having ever been pregnant, a co-worker was expecting her 3rd child. In an elevator FULL of people, I very loudly questioned her claim that she was carrying a single child, and gave her the oh so kind advice, to have her Doctor check again, to make sure only one baby was residing in her ginormous pregnant, so, SO not cool!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
An important announcement
Posted by Tonya Gray at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
something different...
I have been slacking on my posts lately, I just don't have much to say. The best way I can sum up our lives right now is to say, the days seem to last forever, but the weeks are FLYING by! Does that even make sense??
Anyway, check this out if you're in need of a laugh out loud's absolutely, positively, one of my favorite and funniest moments on TV! Enjoy...
Posted by Tonya Gray at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I finished reading this book last week, and let me tell ya, it kicked my keister! (Is there a proper spelling for keister...Keester? Kiester?) Anyway!
It was so good, I was really excited to read it, but I had no idea how much it would bring some aspects of my personality to light, and how convicted I would be by reading it. My book is very, very, highlighted, so much of it spoke to me.
Here's the main thing I took from the book. Beth Moore gives a lot of examples of the ways insecurity tends to make fools of us. Crazy things we do and say in the moments where our insecurity is at it's height. She talks about how it affects our friendships, our marriages, our relationship with God even. And it got me thinking, how does my own insecurity manifest itself?
My conclusion? When I'm feeling insecure, I become EXTREMELY judgmental. Examples? Well sure, I've got a billion of them.
When I'm feeling insecure about my weight (most of the time), I "size" up every random woman I come across... "am I heavier than her".."surely she's a bigger size than me", etc..etc..
When I'm feeling insecure about myself as a mother, I judge the behavior of kids around me... "my kids are at least SITTING in the cart, those kids are running through the store"..."at least our kids aren't climbing all over the waiter/waitress like those kids"...etc..etc.
When I'm feeling insecure about my marriage, I judge the marriages around me (and usually with little or NO correct information to go on!) I make assumptions that the other couple (sometimes complete strangers!) has nothing as good as we do in our marriage.
When I'm feeling insecure about my relationships, I judge the quality of relationships around me, you know, the ones that I don't have a CLUE about! Relationships that I have no idea what the inner workings are, the dynamics, the REALITIES!
So, how have I taken this aspect of insecurity and tried to better myself? Now whenever I get those rambling judgmental thoughts in my head, I catch myself. I stop and ask, "What is it that I'm feeling insecure about?" 99% of the time, I have found that my judging is coming from my own insecurity. I HATE being judgmental. I really, really hate it. It's such a trap, and so not useful for anything. It's a trap that I fall into often, and a trap that I'm trying to avoid more and more these days.
It's so much easier to love others, to be more open to others without the false assumption/judgmental thing going on in my head. I have a long way to go, but if this is the only thing that sticks with me from the pages of this book, I think it's a good thing to hang on to!
I've recommended the book to so many people, and I think you should get it and read it, too! You'll love it, and maybe it'll kick your keester too! (Keister, kiester??)
Posted by Tonya Gray at 1:05 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 12, 2010
"March"-ing along!
What's happening in our world right now...
*I'm just about finished with the 2 Esther (a study by Beth Moore) groups that I was leading through the fall! The study was so good for me in so many ways. I'm trying to decide which Beth Moore study I'll tackle next. I like doing them as my every day devotional because they really bring me through the Word...they challenge me and cause me to think and grow in ways that I've not found with any other devotional/study author.
*Speaking of Beth Moore, I'm reading her new book, "So long, Insecurity" and I am loving it! I've told pretty much every woman I know to pick it up and start reading, because I can't think of any woman who would NOT benefit from reading it. It has convicted me and opened my eyes in so many ways, I'm just about finished and I'm sure it's one I'll read over and over.
*Baby #3 is growing and moving and doing everything he needs to be doing! I've forgotten how fun/crazy/weird/sometimes annoying all of those movements can be...the annoying part is that no matter what I'm doing, lying down or sitting up, anytime I change positions something about the way he moves just makes me have to ...umm...pee! We're still searching around for baby names, we'll take suggestions!
*SPRING IS HERE! I don't know if it's technically Spring or not, but we're down to 2 very SMALL patches of snow in our yard and Tuesday the boys and I spent 2 hours playing at the park. It felt so good to be sitting outside, feeling the sun on my back and watching my boys romp around in the mud puddles. Now all I need is a good, strong thunderstorm!
*I've seen a ton on facebook and in some of the blogs I read and talked with some of my friends that people are starting their outdoor running again...or for the first time. I'm a little jealous! I haven't done any running since I found out I was pregnant and at this point it probably would be a bit dangerous for me and the baby, since I'm so out of shape AND clumsy these days. I miss running. I plan to get back to it after I have this baby and hopefully one day I'll see my feet again...
Posted by Tonya Gray at 11:33 AM 1 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Mama knows what mama likes
In the midst of all the cold and snowy weather, I've forgotten the few reasons that I L.O.V.E. this time of year! In the previous 2 years, I was working so hard on losing weight and getting in shape, I didn't enjoy my favorite March goodies, but this year...Bring.It.On!
Any guesses on what it is that has my taste buds all riled up?
#1 In case you live on another planet, those, my friend, are GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! My 2 favorite kinds, Samoas (I knew them as Carmel Delights in my Brownie Years) and Tagalongs (also known to me as Peanut Butter Patties). I'm so thankful these only come out once a year, otherwise I'd be in trouble!
...and this delightful little guy is a Shamrock shake from McDonald's! I love the minty goodness of this sucker and while I've had a ...ahem...FEW...of those delightful Girl Scout Cookies this year, I've yet to indulge myself with one of these bad boys. I sense one coming up in my near future, though. One time a lady in front of me at McDonald's ordered a Shamrock shake with 1/2 shamrock and 1/2 chocolate...I've not tried that before, but I can't imagine it would be a bad thing!
Happy Spring-ish! :D I'm off to have my blood sugar levels tested now ;)
Posted by Tonya Gray at 11:17 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Boy oh Boy oh Boy!
The Gray's will be seeing more Blue! Our ultra sound last week gave us a very good shot of our new baby boy to be! We wanted to come up with a special way to reveal the sex of our 3rd child, and I loved the way it unfolded. Chris and the boys came with me to the Dr's and into the ultra sound room. First, I have to say, even in the 2 years since we've had Mason, the technology of the ultra sounds has advanced tremendously! We had one 4-D shot, which I've never seen before, and it was amazing! You can actually see the baby's face..the skin, the shape of the nose, the's crazy! We asked the technician to whisper to Levi the baby's sex and then Levi told us.
When he turned around and said "It's a boy", I just was overwhelmed. I really thought that I would feel disappointed or discouraged if it wasn't a girl, but once I heard "boy", it didn't matter at all. I think the technician started to worry because the tears just kept streaming down my face throughout the rest of her scans. I was just happy!
I never had a brother and while I was around my some of my boy cousins a lot, I was never close to them. It's such a joy to be surrounded by my own family of men! I'm totally up for the challenges, the surprises, and the action that 3 boys will bring into my life.
We've not decided on a name yet, which doesn't surprise us at all. Levi was going to be named Caleb, all the way through the first 8 months of pregnancy. Then, scouring through a baby book, I came across the name Levi and fell in love with it. It took all the way through the delivery to convince Chris, but obviously, Levi won out. We didn't know if Mason was a girl and, of course, we had the girl name figured out, but the only boy name we thought we might use was Owen. When he was born, Owen just wasn't right. It was nearly an hour after he was born and we were STILL trying to come up with a name! Chris started reading through his list of boy names, and as he was rattling off names, he said "Mason" and I looked at him and looked at the baby in my arms and said, "He's Mason" and so it was.
I ran into the Family Christian Store today and they were having a great sale on some books. I picked up, "Raising a Modern Day Knight" and "Wild Things..The Art of Nurturing boys". Now I just have to figure out when I will have time to read the books, you know, since I'll be so busy raising my boys!!
Posted by Tonya Gray at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
Productive Disobedience
Oxymoron? Not in this case. Earlier this week I had given Levi a few things that I needed him to do to help me out. The list included things like, getting his dirty laundry IN the basket instead of around it; putting his bed-time buddies (a blanket and dog) back in his bed; cleaning up legos; etc..
He did all of those things, except only 1/2 way or less. When I asked him to put his laundry in the basket he threw 1/2 of it in the basket and the other 1/2 he shoved where I couldn't see it. When I told him to put the bed-time things away, he threw them right in the doorway of his room, not on his bed as I had instructed. Any task I had given him he completed less than fully. I explained to him that partial obedience equals disobedience. (In a 4 year olds language, of course)
That got me thinking. I do that all the God. I justify a lot of sin because I'm not being blatantly sinful. Here are some of the things that God brought to my mind that I've been doing lately that fall short of pleasing Him.
"It's not really gossiping...I'm just trying to explain how I feel about the situation with this other person"
"It's not really gossiping...I'm sharing a PRAYER REQUEST"
*maybe gossip is something I need to work on!-You think?
"It's not porn that I'm watching, it's just the story of one guy falling in love with a dozen girls and spending LOTS of time in hot tubs with them"
"I'm not lying, I'm just making the story a bit more dramatic by adding a few details, but the IDEA is the same"
"I don't think it's stealing, I look at the clerk's oversight of my box of diapers as a "blessing to our finances" !
"I'm not being a glutton, I'm pregnant, therefore I need to EAT as much as I want as often as I want"
There are a lot more examples I could give, but I think I've exposed enough of myself for one day!
Do you ever find yourself doing this? Have your kids taught you any good lessons lately through their disobedience? What's on your mind this week?
Posted by Tonya Gray at 6:24 AM 3 comments