Friday, March 12, 2010

"March"-ing along!

What's happening in our world right now...

*I'm just about finished with the 2 Esther (a study by Beth Moore) groups that I was leading through the fall! The study was so good for me in so many ways. I'm trying to decide which Beth Moore study I'll tackle next. I like doing them as my every day devotional because they really bring me through the Word...they challenge me and cause me to think and grow in ways that I've not found with any other devotional/study author.

*Speaking of Beth Moore, I'm reading her new book, "So long, Insecurity" and I am loving it! I've told pretty much every woman I know to pick it up and start reading, because I can't think of any woman who would NOT benefit from reading it. It has convicted me and opened my eyes in so many ways, I'm just about finished and I'm sure it's one I'll read over and over.

*Baby #3 is growing and moving and doing everything he needs to be doing! I've forgotten how fun/crazy/weird/sometimes annoying all of those movements can be...the annoying part is that no matter what I'm doing, lying down or sitting up, anytime I change positions something about the way he moves just makes me have to ...umm...pee! We're still searching around for baby names, we'll take suggestions!

*SPRING IS HERE! I don't know if it's technically Spring or not, but we're down to 2 very SMALL patches of snow in our yard and Tuesday the boys and I spent 2 hours playing at the park. It felt so good to be sitting outside, feeling the sun on my back and watching my boys romp around in the mud puddles. Now all I need is a good, strong thunderstorm!

*I've seen a ton on facebook and in some of the blogs I read and talked with some of my friends that people are starting their outdoor running again...or for the first time. I'm a little jealous! I haven't done any running since I found out I was pregnant and at this point it probably would be a bit dangerous for me and the baby, since I'm so out of shape AND clumsy these days. I miss running. I plan to get back to it after I have this baby and hopefully one day I'll see my feet again...


Liz said...

I can't wait to see what you name the new little guy (or maybe you've already decided on a name. I haven't kept in touch with you very well!). You guys picked out such great names for your other included :)