Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Catching Up!

It's been a while since I've posted, but things have been quiet around here, so there's not much to blog about.
I've been engrossed in the series Gilmore Girls, on DVD. I have gotten the entire series and have been plowing through them season by season. I love the show! I saw glimpses of it when it was on TV, but found it annoying. A few of my friends have been trying to get me into it, so I figured the summer tv season was terrible anyway, and got started. It reminds me much of The Office (Coming back next week!) where you have to get involved in the characters and their quirks to catch all the humor. Anyway, so I've been watching that every chance I get.
I'm loving this fall weather. I went outside with Chris and the boys last night, and it even SMELLS good outside. I even really enjoyed the rainy weekend. I felt so cozy inside watching the rain fall. We had some friends over on Saturday night and had fun talking, eating, and drinking late night coffee.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are back at Starbucks...mmmm...The Biggest Looser starts back up tonight, I'm going to watch it at a friends house tonight (probably makes me a big looser) with her...Grace Commerce(our Church) is finally in our new building and it looks awesome! I could (bur really already have) write an entire post about how much I love our church and it's people! ...Sonic, the best fast food on the planet, with the best drinks ever (vanilla dr. pepper!!) is moving in next to us, I"m so excited about that!
The kids are napping now, laundry is going, I've already worked out today, so I'm feeling strangely free right now! My next post is going to be a bunch of pictures that I've been meaning to post, all of the kids, of course!
Hope all is well with you, and your feeling the same contentedness that I'm enjoying in this season.


Melanie said...

I am not normally into pumpkin-anything but with this pregnancy, I am really enjoying pumpkin things. I had pumpkin cheesecake at Olive Garden (it was fantastic!) and I recently tried this latte you speak of at Starbucks (I could not set it down!). :)