In the midst of all the cold and snowy weather, I've forgotten the few reasons that I L.O.V.E. this time of year! In the previous 2 years, I was working so hard on losing weight and getting in shape, I didn't enjoy my favorite March goodies, but this year...Bring.It.On!
Any guesses on what it is that has my taste buds all riled up?
#1 In case you live on another planet, those, my friend, are GIRL SCOUT COOKIES! My 2 favorite kinds, Samoas (I knew them as Carmel Delights in my Brownie Years) and Tagalongs (also known to me as Peanut Butter Patties). I'm so thankful these only come out once a year, otherwise I'd be in trouble!
...and this delightful little guy is a Shamrock shake from McDonald's! I love the minty goodness of this sucker and while I've had a ...ahem...FEW...of those delightful Girl Scout Cookies this year, I've yet to indulge myself with one of these bad boys. I sense one coming up in my near future, though. One time a lady in front of me at McDonald's ordered a Shamrock shake with 1/2 shamrock and 1/2 chocolate...I've not tried that before, but I can't imagine it would be a bad thing!
Happy Spring-ish! :D I'm off to have my blood sugar levels tested now ;)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Mama knows what mama likes
Posted by Tonya Gray at 11:17 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 15, 2010
Boy oh Boy oh Boy!
The Gray's will be seeing more Blue! Our ultra sound last week gave us a very good shot of our new baby boy to be! We wanted to come up with a special way to reveal the sex of our 3rd child, and I loved the way it unfolded. Chris and the boys came with me to the Dr's and into the ultra sound room. First, I have to say, even in the 2 years since we've had Mason, the technology of the ultra sounds has advanced tremendously! We had one 4-D shot, which I've never seen before, and it was amazing! You can actually see the baby's face..the skin, the shape of the nose, the's crazy! We asked the technician to whisper to Levi the baby's sex and then Levi told us.
When he turned around and said "It's a boy", I just was overwhelmed. I really thought that I would feel disappointed or discouraged if it wasn't a girl, but once I heard "boy", it didn't matter at all. I think the technician started to worry because the tears just kept streaming down my face throughout the rest of her scans. I was just happy!
I never had a brother and while I was around my some of my boy cousins a lot, I was never close to them. It's such a joy to be surrounded by my own family of men! I'm totally up for the challenges, the surprises, and the action that 3 boys will bring into my life.
We've not decided on a name yet, which doesn't surprise us at all. Levi was going to be named Caleb, all the way through the first 8 months of pregnancy. Then, scouring through a baby book, I came across the name Levi and fell in love with it. It took all the way through the delivery to convince Chris, but obviously, Levi won out. We didn't know if Mason was a girl and, of course, we had the girl name figured out, but the only boy name we thought we might use was Owen. When he was born, Owen just wasn't right. It was nearly an hour after he was born and we were STILL trying to come up with a name! Chris started reading through his list of boy names, and as he was rattling off names, he said "Mason" and I looked at him and looked at the baby in my arms and said, "He's Mason" and so it was.
I ran into the Family Christian Store today and they were having a great sale on some books. I picked up, "Raising a Modern Day Knight" and "Wild Things..The Art of Nurturing boys". Now I just have to figure out when I will have time to read the books, you know, since I'll be so busy raising my boys!!
Posted by Tonya Gray at 4:03 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 5, 2010
Productive Disobedience
Oxymoron? Not in this case. Earlier this week I had given Levi a few things that I needed him to do to help me out. The list included things like, getting his dirty laundry IN the basket instead of around it; putting his bed-time buddies (a blanket and dog) back in his bed; cleaning up legos; etc..
He did all of those things, except only 1/2 way or less. When I asked him to put his laundry in the basket he threw 1/2 of it in the basket and the other 1/2 he shoved where I couldn't see it. When I told him to put the bed-time things away, he threw them right in the doorway of his room, not on his bed as I had instructed. Any task I had given him he completed less than fully. I explained to him that partial obedience equals disobedience. (In a 4 year olds language, of course)
That got me thinking. I do that all the God. I justify a lot of sin because I'm not being blatantly sinful. Here are some of the things that God brought to my mind that I've been doing lately that fall short of pleasing Him.
"It's not really gossiping...I'm just trying to explain how I feel about the situation with this other person"
"It's not really gossiping...I'm sharing a PRAYER REQUEST"
*maybe gossip is something I need to work on!-You think?
"It's not porn that I'm watching, it's just the story of one guy falling in love with a dozen girls and spending LOTS of time in hot tubs with them"
"I'm not lying, I'm just making the story a bit more dramatic by adding a few details, but the IDEA is the same"
"I don't think it's stealing, I look at the clerk's oversight of my box of diapers as a "blessing to our finances" !
"I'm not being a glutton, I'm pregnant, therefore I need to EAT as much as I want as often as I want"
There are a lot more examples I could give, but I think I've exposed enough of myself for one day!
Do you ever find yourself doing this? Have your kids taught you any good lessons lately through their disobedience? What's on your mind this week?
Posted by Tonya Gray at 6:24 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Simple Pleasures
You know those things that just make your heart dance? Those small gestures, gifts, moments that leave you feeling secure, loved, cozy? What are they? What are your simple pleasures? Kelly at Kelly's Korner posted about this yesterday and I've come up with a few of my own simple pleasures...
1. A Starbucks peppermint mocha on the day of the first snowfall
2. An unexpected, unprompted "I love you mama"
3. REAL mail! A card, a note, a check..I'm not picky, ANYTHING with real handwriting on it :D
4. A surprise phone call from a distant friend
5. Hearing these elusive words at the dinner table: "wow, honey (or mom) this dinner is really good!"
6. Christmas
7. Clean sheets on a tightly made bed
8. Empty laundry baskets and and empty washer/dryer
9. Vacuum lines on the carpet
10. Long conversations with friends
11. Stolen kisses w/ my man!
12. Laughing till it hurts
13. Re-connecting with a friend I've not been in touch with for a while and feeling like no time has passed
14. A good book!
So, do you agree with me on any of these? Are yours completely different? Share...
Posted by Tonya Gray at 12:44 PM 3 comments