Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Trying again

So, this is my 2nd attempt at a blog. My first one didn't get any further than a post and Chris reading it, so I'm trying again. I was listening to the Tim McGraw song, "My Next 30 Years today" and I thought, "Oh, I'm there...turning 30...what will these next 30 years be for me, my family?". I started thinking thoughts like, "In 30 years...I'll be 60...Chris will be 61...Levi will be 33...Mason dad 81...etc..etc...etc.."
I've tried so many times to keep journals, prayer journals, journals for the boys, but I'm such a better typer than writer, so I've decided this blog will just contain all of my ramblings, thoughts, happenings etc.
I have no idea if anyone will read this, or if anyone really cares what's going on in my head, but here it is for anyone who cares...enjoy!


Anonymous said...

What a great and inspiring site Tonya. I love you and our family!