Thursday, July 3, 2008

In Missouri

Today's blog is brought to you from Farmington, MO. We're really enjoying our vacation and time with "papa mike and jo-nanna". (Jo-nanna is my dad's wife, Joanna) As you can see from the pictures, we've been enjoying the swimming pool a lot! Levi even did some "swimming" on his own. He had two of the swim noodles propped under his arms like skis and floated around on his tummy. I'm really surprised that he wears the Superman floaty thing.
Yesterday we went to Grant's Farms. It's a small zoo with a train that you ride around and see deer, elk, etc...wondering around. Then there's a small area with a few animals. We saw an elephant, camels, and Levi spent some time in the petting zoo feeding the goats from a bottle (I'll post pictures of that later).
We're really having a great time and aren't sure if my dad is going to let us leave or not! He's really enjoying Levi and Mason and getting to see their personalities and interaction.
Oh! And Chris and I got to get away and go to a par3 golf course. I have only real golfed one time and that was over 5 years ago. I actually got PAR on one of the holes. We had a lot of fun doing that together!!


Robin Whitted said...

I miss you Tonya! I have enjoyed reading all your posts. You crack me up! Great Blog! Your boys are adorable!

mrs.gray said...

Hey, those pics are fantastic!

We love you lots!!!

And those boys.....all three of them, ha ha.