Sunday, June 22, 2008

50 things you never needed to know

(1) Favorite hobby? ughhh...I hate this question because it really makes me wish I had a hobby! Unless reading counts as a hobby, I don't have one.

(2) How do you feel about your ex? I don't have a significant enough "ex" to feel anything about

(3) Do you own guns? No

(4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? This question makes me mad because there is no SONIC around this state, even. BUT, in my year at Ozark Christian College I became quite familiar with the SONIC (hence my anger at not having one near me), and I LOVE vanilla dr. pepper and Cherry Limeaids

(5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? always

(6) What do you think of hot dogs? I like them

(7) Favorite Christmas song? The Cradle Prayer by Rebecca St. James, It's such a beautiful song

(8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? COFFEE...I have become quite the Coffee addict, in fact, maybe coffee can be my hobby

(9) Can you do push ups? the girlie kind, but I'm getting better

(10) Can you do a chin up? I haven't tried in a while, but I doubt it

(11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my engagement ring

(12) Do you like blue cheese? I don't really like it

(13) Ever been in a car wreck? 2 times

(14) Do you have ADD? It's not out of the question

(15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I am so sensitive (but I think I hide it quite well)

(16) Middle name? Marie

(17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1) I'm really glad that I have this "break" right now 2) I can't wait to celebrate CHris' birthday with our AWESOME seats at the Tigers game and our best friends, DJ and Lindsay 3) I have so much to do before we go to St. Louis and visit my dad

(18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? 1) a new shirt for Chris 2) a birthday card and the rest of Lauren's birthday gift 3) baby food

(19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? 1) Coffee 2) Water 3) Coke Zero

(20) Current worry? Chris and Levi who are on an "Adventure Walk" right now and Chris just called to say the park was much further than he thought...*sigh*

(21) Current hate right now? All of the pain in this world

(23) How did you bring in the New Year? with DJ and Lindsay

(24) Where would you like to be right now? At the Melting Pot!!!!

(25) Do you like bok choy? Yep

(26) Do you own slippers? yes

(27) What shirt are you wearing? a purple t-shirt

(28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not at all.

(29) Can you whistle? no

(31) Would you be a pirate?

(32) What songs do you sing in the shower? Shout to the Lord is my current shower hit for the moment

(33) Favorite girl's name? Aubrey Paige (it would've been Mason's if he was a girl)

(34) Favorite boy's name? Levi Mason (apparently such a person exists whose first name is Levi and last name is Mason)

(35) What is in your pocket? Nothing

(36) Last thing that made you laugh? I was "chatting" with a long lost college friend via Facebook and she brought up a sweatshirt that I may or may not have borrowed/stolen from her 9 years ago, I had forgotten all about that, but I LOVED that sweatshirt (which is why I borrowed/stole)

(37) Best bed sheets as a child? I have no idea

(38) Worst injury you ever had? The post labor "injuries" were quite traumatic (and you can only roll your eyes if you've naturally (with an epidural though) delivered a 9lb 10oz baby your first time)

(39) Do you like where you live? For the moment, but oh, how I'm longing for Heaven

(40) How many TVs do you have in your house? 3

(41) Who is your loudest friend? Courtney Feurstien, and it's what I love about her!

(42) How many dogs do you have? Just one, Tucker

(43) Does someone have a crush on you? Someone better, or I'll have no reason for squeezing out two kids.

(44) Favorite book? I love the Mark of The Lion Series by Francine Rivers, it's life-changing

(46) What is your favorite candy? Reses Pieces !

(47) Favorite Sports Team? Detroit Tigers

(48) What song do you want played at your funeral? We Will Dance (it's a praise and worship song) AND "IF You Could See Me Now"

(49) What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Sleeping

(50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today? We are going to be late for Church...again *sigh*